Peer-to-Peer Support

In December of 2022, the Plymouth County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO) Peer Support Team (PST) was formed to provide knowledge, experience, as well as emotional, social, & practical help to all sworn PCSO employees by functioning as a support and debriefing resource. The Peer Support Team consists of staff members specially trained in peer mentoring, listening, and counseling skills who provide support to PCSO employees experiencing personal and work-related stress, and their families. The PST also provides support to employees during and following critical or traumatic incidents that occur on duty.

The Backpack - SEMLEC

PCSO agency contact
James Creed
Ext. 815

Confidential Support Programs

"Onsite Academy is a short term, intensive residential treatment center for rescue personnel who may be temporarily overwhelmed by the stress of their job, suffering from work-related cumulative or delayed critical incident stress, or experiencing an acute, transient reaction to a “critical incident”."

OnSite Academy Brochure

"FHE Health is a healthcare institution that delivers quality, medically integrated personalized treatment for those suffering from Behavioral Health Disorders."

"First responders heroically serve our country every day. By being the first to arrive on the scene in crises, disasters, emergencies, wars, and other violent events, they suffer disproportionately from exposure to trauma and trauma-related stress and its mental health effects."

"Founded in 1811, McLean Hospital is a leader in psychiatric care, research, and education and is the largest psychiatric teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School."

"SEMLEC is a peer driven, clinically supported, law enforcement unit, CISM, is brought in post-incident to debrief police officers. It is police officers helping police officers navigate the emotional aftermath of a traumatic event, based on personal experience and specialized training."

Download the SEMLEC App

"Struggle Well is a prevention-focused program based on the science of Posttraumatic Growth. By partnering with first responder agencies and active serving military units, we’re fundamentally changing the culture from the inside-out."

PCSO Comfort Dog Program

It is the policy of the PCSO Comfort Dog program to serve those who are in need of comfort and a sense of well-being, victims & witnesses of criminal incidents, as well as to provide peer to peer support to law enforcement officers who have been involved in critical incidents. The Comfort Dog program maintains availability for anyone who either seeks its assistance or who is otherwise identified as having a need for it. Additionally, the Comfort Dog program is utilized to encourage and cultivate positive relationships with the public through attendance at community events.

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