Inmate Wellness encompasses all aspects of our Correctional Facility ecosystem. We strive to make inmates feel they can learn and grow while in our custody; ranging from programs such as GED/HiSET preparations to modern-day history. Below are two major topics; Medical and Wellness where you can learn about what goes on inside the facility in regards to an inmate's health and well-being.
Nursing, Specialized Clinicians, Care & Custody
Behavioral Health, Wellness Programs, Nutrition
Requesting Medical Records
The Medical Unit is an in-house clinic within the walls of the Plymouth County Correctional Facility (PCCF) with medical staff, exam rooms, a pharmacy, and rooms equipped to care for high-risk patients with Tuberculosis (TB) or other highly contagious, infectious diseases.
Inmate Medical Records
If you have a question about the health status of a person in our custody, please be aware that we are not allowed to share an inmate’s medical condition or course of treatment with you. This information is private and protected under the U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ("HIPAA").
If you are a healthcare provider and require a medical record of your patient, please return the following information to the below contact:
If a person in custody needs their medical records sent, they should speak directly to their caseworker to assist them.
Upon Arrival
A medical history is taken upon arrival. This includes a review of medications, chronic conditions (medical concerns), suicide risks, behavioral health referrals, substance use, dental, and vaccination histories, and the start of a coordinated care plan. Referrals are made for Medication for Opioid Use Disorder and Behavioral Health services.
Dietary restrictions
Dietary restrictions are taken into account and shared with the dietician. If there are any faith-based diet requirements that an individual needs to adhere to, that request is sent to the Chaplain and the accommodations are met.
Medical Care
The Doctor or Nurse Practitioner does a physical exam on every new individual within the first days of arrival. Labs and prescriptions are ordered as needed.
PCCF has an In-house pharmacy for common medications such as antibiotics, cardiac and blood pressure, diabetes, HIV, multi-vitamins, and over-the-counter (OTC) products. The state pharmacy is utilized for filling the presciptions for medications that may not be in-house.
Our nurses deliver medications within the housing units daily. They are the first responders in the event of immediate medical care.
What happens when a person in custody has a prescription for a certain medicine they need to stay on?
Encourage the person to submit a request slip to see a physician or behavioral health clinician. The request is confidential and medical staff will promptly respond.
Working with families
When possible, the medical staff will work with families on known-prescribed medications. While in custody, the patient will receive care and medications as prescribed by our physicians.
When individuals are released, they have a 30-day supply of their prescribed medication available to them while transitioning to a residential re-entry program.
30 days prior to release, PCCF sends MassHealth applications to enroll inmates for medical insurance.
When an individual is released from custody directly from court, they are encouraged to return to the Correctional Facility to pick up their
of prescribed medications. In the event the inividual is unable to return to PCCF, they should contact the medical office to request their medication be held for a brief period of time.
Primary Care Doctor
Scheduled appointment within 14 days of arrival
Nurse Practitioner
As referred by physicians and clinicians
As referred by physicians and clinicians
Scheduled appointment within 30 days of arrival
Oral Surgeon
As requested
Infectious Disease Dr.
Once Weekly and as Requested
Health Imperatives
Once Weekly and as Requested
Twice Weekly and as Requested
Twice Monthly and as Requested
Twice Monthly and as Requested
Opioid Treatment Provider
In partnership with our medical provider, we have been certified as an Opioid Treatment Provider (OTP) administering Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) in a clinic within the Correctional Facility.
In addition to our medical staff, behavioral health clinicians provide one-on-one care and group counseling.
The medical staff will confirm and administer medication consistent with each dose. The MOUD physician meets with every patient and will adjust medications or dosage as medically needed.
The clinic is open from 5:00AM to 1:00PM 365 days a year. Anyone leaving for court has the opportunity to receive their medication.
Even if a person is unable to get to the MOUD clinic, they will still receive their daily dosage of medication.
Medications for Substance Use Disorder (SUD) are a controlled substance. Our staff works hard to assure continuum of care for people prescribed these medications. Post-Incarceration appointments are made, last dose letters are shared, and when necessary a bridge prescription is issued.
PCCF Program staff provides
and information on supportive community resources on release.
PCCF employs a Communtiy Re-Entry Specialist located in the community to assist people with drivers' licenses, ID cards, housing, medical and behavioral health referrals, CORI-friendly employment, and more.
There are numerous community service providers and volunteers that work with our staff to create a supportive handoff for justice-involved men returning back to their communities.
Re-entry staff works closely with the Trial Court (Recovery and Veteran's Court) to provide assistance with program placement, transportation, and medical appointments.
Mental health can be linked to a person's biology, psychological condition, and issues caused by genetics or brain chemistry.
The goal is to stabilize an individual, but if the physician determines a patient needs additional care, they will refer patients to an Evaluation Stabilization Unit (ESU) or local hospital.
The clinic is staffed with Five (5) with the common goal to improve an inmate's mental health through a coordinated care approach.
If you have a concern about an inmate in our custody, please contact our medical office, which is always staffed.
Contact: 508-830-6200 - Ask for Medical
Behavioral Health considers lifestyle choices, physical health, and social determinants.
Multiple programs are offered for inmates in regards to behavioral health; Mindfulness, Yoga, and Breathing Exercises are just a few as well as classes that focus on improving the overall health of inmates like Anger Management, Life Skills, Conflict Resolution, Health Imperatives, Making Changes, Emotions, Meditation, Peace Within, etc.
Applications on inmate tablets are a useful tool and resource for self-learning and support; some popular behavioral health-aiding apps are Aurora and Headspace.
These are just a few of the programs that Plymouth County Correctional Facility offers - Please visit Programs for more detailed explanations of courses.
Additionally, click here for a full list of Inmate Programs
Veteran's Program
The Veteran's Program is a great way for Veterans who are incarcerated to get the benefits and help they require and deserve.
Sheriff's Anti-Violence Effort
The Sheriff's Anti-Violence Effort (SAVE) unit focuses on violent offenders in an effort to create a safer environment for all inmates.
Pathways to Recovery encompasses "paths" such as AA, NA, and even refuge recovery.
Education offers GED / HiSET programs for an inmate to earn their credentials to be able to take more classes offered by our Correctional Facility.
The act of cultivating food and working in nature encourages self-care, and can set a path for personal growth. Nutrition, good health, and justice intersect in our Aquaponics/Hydroponics program. We are empowered when we grow food and that feeling is magnified when we share it with others. Through giving, we make meaningful connections and foster empathy with people ready to improve our ecosystem!
The Kitchen offers inmates multiple jobs including cooking and cleaning, as well as a ServSafe certification in the culinary field.
What does it mean to be ServSafe certified?
The ServSafe Certification verifies that a person has sufficient food safety knowledge to protect the public from foodborne illness.
Religious Practices
Faith-Based Support is offered to inmates of all faiths.
Many faith and religions are practiced here; some courses include: Jewish Studies, Prison Fellowship Studies, Catholic Bible Studies, Protestant Bible Studies, Muslim Studies, and Jehovah Witness Studies.