"Justice demands that offenders be accountable for their wrongful acts. Crime, however, is about more than breaking the law. More often than not, it involves serious harm to persons, families, and neighborhoods." - Sheriff Joseph D. McDonald

How our Victim Service Office Can Help:



CORI (Criminal Offender Record Information): Records or data compiled in any form by a criminal justice agency pertaining to an individual's arrest, charge, conviction, prosecution, incarceration, probation, and parole.

CORI Certification: There are two types of CORI certification; The first is for notification of an offender's release. The second is for access to CORI documents.

Note: In order to become certified, you must complete an application with a victim witness advocate at your local District Attorney's Office or Sheriff's Department.

Inmate Classification: Ongoing review process and assessment of an offender's criminal history, personal adjustment, and reintegration into the community.

Sentence Computation: After a sentence is imposed by the court, several factors that are used to calculate an offender's release date.

Earned Good Time Credit: up to 10 days per month off their sentence for satisfactory participation in work, education, and/or rehabilitative programs. This can also be described as 'Jail Credit'.

Parole: Serve the remaining balance of their sentence in the community with supervision and certain conditions monitored by a parole officer.

Probation: A court-ordered disposition alternative meaning that a convicted offender is placed under the control, supervision, and care of a field probation officer.